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Make no mistake, our present healthcare system is dysfunctional and in crisis. Costs are excessive and performance lags behind many other countries. There are many reasons, but several key factors are lack of transparency in costs with the resulting inability of the consumer (patient) to make wise decisions. A system that pays the provider better for illness than health is also counterproductive. The subsequent dysfunctional attempt of third party payers to control those costs from a distance without a personal relationship generates excessive regulation, micromanagement and burdensome data reporting requirements, only worsening the problem with complex co-pays, co-insurance, prior authorizations, separate deductibles, medical necessity and hosts of other rules and barriers to good care. The best relationships are short, simple, and direct. In this case transparency and a healthy physician/patient relationship rewarding health, instead of usage is a step in the right direction.  Some other countries utilize their resources more efficiently and get better results by emphasizing primary care.  It is an elegantly simple solution.  It truly is the relationship that makes primary care work!


Let’s look at how it works from the doctor’s side